Diagnosis of vocation
vocation diagnosis
Each person has his own destiny in the world, each of us is unique.
Most people are not satisfied with their lives and not satisfied with where they are.
The problem is that they don't do anything to get out of the place they are in because they don't know how or don't understand in general what they really want.
The vocation diagnosis was made by Bronikov. Later, after the diagnosis, at the "Path to the Future" study center, you will be helped to understand yourself, your vocation, how to build a vision for a new goal. You will start moving forward in your life path, you will become happier, your health will improve and life will change more harmonious.
An energetic-informative diagnostic description of the human purpose
Recently, our experts have conducted many tests and diagnoses and determined a person's purpose.
Our bodies change slowly throughout life. Many people do not know that man is not only a physical body, he is also a subtle substance, i.e. pure living information..
There is consciousness, subconsciousness and superconsciousness, subtle, dense and middle bodies - separately.
Therefore, man must be regarded as a holistic system of physical body and divine substance.
You can compare a person to a computer for example. The computer looks like a complete unit but it is made up of many parts and programs. Thanks to artificial intelligence and technogenic psychology, we will finally be able to truly understand who man is and what plans he was created from.
It turns out that the hologram form of a person is a kind of hologram-conscious beings that characterize the person's personality on the one hand, and on the other hand, the personality itself can change them, improve or destroy them. Such interaction is extremely important for humanity in the future and requires a high level of awareness.
Sometimes, for example, it is necessary to reprogram these creatures, reboot them using special techniques. After such work, a person begins new life processes in every aspect of his life: health, relationship, work and more.
That is, man in essence, is exactly these divine beings. These creatures function like lenses and focus their radiation on the heart and thus help a person to exist.
If they are removed or changed there will be deformations, disorders and pathologies. That is, creatures are a common element in a person's destiny and everyone has their own creatures and system.
To register for a diagnosis, you must fill out the appropriate electronic form below. The completed form will be sent to us automatically and the manager will contact you as soon as possible.
© Dereh Leatid , 2023.