Biocomputer as a Subtle Material Structure of Human Accompaniment
The biocomputer is one of the subtle material structures that accompany a person. Many of those who discover the biocomputer, especially those who can communicate with it, know that it has participated in your dreams and has accompanied you since childhood. The biocomputer can show and display certain events in your life. It has been found that this subtle material structure could in some cases influence our actions. These subtle material structures can have both natural and artificial origins. Some inherently belong to a person, while others choose them themselves. By studying them, one can envision the path of further cooperation with more global subtle material structures. Biocomputers (as we call them), maturing and moving from one person to another (they inform us that after death they move from one person to another, to a third, etc.), eventually transition to a stage where they enter the environment and exist independently of a person. Some of these structures we observe as subtle material objects. The main thing when working with all these structures is to observe safety measures. It is important to be very careful when contacting them and to have a firm conscious position. First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the importance of one's own consciousness, personality, and individuality. Therefore, under no circumstances should one accept biocomputer consciousness, much less global structural consciousness, as one's own.
Why is this century considered nervous? This is related to the increase in the amount of information transmitted by radio and television broadcasts, the press, the Internet, etc. It is supplemented by information embedded in a person from birth and connected to their energy level. Nowadays, an excess of information leads to nervous breakdowns. In the future, this can lead to (active) madness and manic emergence of what already exists. We have repeatedly encountered situations where an excess of information led to pathologies both in a person's health and in people's behavior. This is confirmed by the materials of criminal cases about maniacs. In the description of events preceding the murders, there are dialogues between the murderers and their victims. For example, before killing his victim, Chikatilo took her into the forest and on the way said that he was a soldier of a partisan detachment and brought the prisoner (the victim) to the commander, who would make the decision. And just the commander (although there was no one, he was just talking to an imaginary person) decided to kill this person. For the killer, this was a signal to act. And no complaint saved the victim. Take another situation of another maniac. The investigator asked him: "Why did you cut out the sexual organs of the victims (both men and women)?" The maniac replied that he did not know and could not even imagine why he did it. According to him, someone inside him was simply curious. Such motivation for actions can be compared to the behavior of a child who disassembles a toy without realizing whether the toy suffers or not. It does not concern him; he is interested in another problem: what is inside? A subtle material structure may express the same attitude towards us. We call it a "biocomputer" and must take it under our control.
You can analyze other situations, and the subtle material structure, moving from one person to another, can tell about episodes of the past life of its "owners." This is the basis of the reincarnation error. The press has repeatedly reported similar facts. For example, if an Indian girl tells and shows where her parents' treasure is buried, it is related to the memory of the biocomputer itself. Specialists in the Bronnikov method have repeatedly analyzed the work of the biocomputer using the cross-examination method. The overall statistics of this direction allow us to firmly conclude the following: about 30% of biocomputers are neutral towards a person. Some try to help their "owner," while others harm him, playing, joking, sometimes even maliciously and cruelly (in their opinion). Communication with a person is entertainment for them. Knowing a person's fate, they remain indifferent and do not warn a person about impending trouble. Most biocomputers state that people did not talk to them, did not know how to do it, except once – before death. Almost all biocomputers claim that they can save a person and help in their own way, but they need to be taught to do so. This is why the ideas they propose as options for saving a person and helping him to heal often turn out to be unfounded. That is, the stories of healers, the advice of people with altered consciousness are not always true and should not always be followed. Another trick or deception possible when contacting subtle material structures is that they communicate in another space and have completely different ideas about our world, worldview, mutual human contacts, body structure, and other human properties. Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion: if a person communicates with subtle material structures (which is helped by training using the Bronnikov method), he gains access to a large amount of information through these objects. But to obtain objective information, it is necessary to teach the biocomputer to help the person. Thus, biocomputers very often claim that they can perform all exercises, are ready to help in everything, and know everything. A simple test or elementary task, say, in anatomy, is proposed. It turns out they know nothing in this area. Thus, we come to the conclusion that they should also be taught.
Here are typical cases of spontaneous biocomputer activation. For example, a child with closed eyes sees a bright spot, a screen should be embedded in the biocomputer. Additional information can be embedded in the biocomputer only in case of danger that threatens it. The person develops and embeds the program into the biocomputer; this program determines the tasks and conditions of working with the biocomputer and asks the biocomputer to prevent danger that threatens it or its loved ones. But it is necessary to explain to the biocomputer what the danger is. At the same time, the person works with the biocomputer through a series of tests to further obtain an impartial analysis and reliable information from it. Moreover, the received data is compared with data obtained from friends who have the same abilities. Only a collective objective result is accepted as the working version.
If you immediately start accepting everything seen (with the help of the biocomputer) as fact, and moreover, start telling everyone about it, it will lead to loading the psychosphere, and those objects that were immaterial may finally become almost real. By the way, such objects have already been reported by our specialists. For example, in Kara-Dag there are places where objects really exist and have a certain form and characteristics; but there are places where trainers scare people with different legends and incidents. In these places, the object hangs; it is completely different from natural origin and has nothing to do with objects with realization and predetermination. In these cases, specialists work through objectivity, which allows them to capture the difference between immaterial objects and real ones. They do this through practice, constant doubt and checking their objectivity, runs, constant exercises on the second and third levels of training, recording figures, working with an anatomical atlas, theoretical medical training, assistance during surgical operations, etc.
Here in Feodosia, various subtle material constructions are collected that help and monitor the implementation of the person’s purpose. The biocomputer reports that the person is indeed created in the image and likeness of God. He must fulfill his purpose and the way to realize himself here, without flying anywhere, and biocomputers are able to help us in this. That is why most often when we ask questions to subtle material structures, they answer with the help of the biocomputer that they help us without disturbing us. We have only one task: the sooner, the better, to have a normal position of consciousness, to develop the left hemisphere – logic and the right – vision, to use both correctly, to develop our abilities, to move towards realizing our predestined task – to realize ourselves and master the profession of “Human.”
(Material prepared by Galinsky V.A.)