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People are conditionally divided into these three groups.

A dilettant is a person who is completely dependent on the environment that controls him, and poorly understands his actions. For example, he can pave the streets, not paying attention to the rain.


A specialist takes things seriously. In this case, he will stop the work, cover everything with a cloth and resume only after everything dries.


A master is a person who manages, forms the environment (obviously sees his life), ensures the interaction between the person and the environment .


At present, amateurs mostly fill the world.

The number of specialists is very small, moreover, they are separated from the environment.

There are almost no masters in the world.


Because of this, problems arise in science, religion, culture... If an ordinary person is completely dependent on time and space, then the master sees everything holistically and, being a holistic system, controls time and space, influencing processes. It was the masters who created the structures for the millennium.

That's why there is a magical aspect in mastery.

This is a kind of creativity - essentially, it is a technology of new education, which allows to form qualities characteristic of a specialist, let alone a master.

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